Thursday, December 9, 2010

Traditions- Korea & Their Food

It is not called a Korean meal without having Kimchi on the table. Kimchi is fermented cabbage marinated with red peppers, onions, garlic, raddish and other spices. Kimchi can be a vegetarian dish, it depends on how it is prepared. The kimchi preparing video featured below is non-vegetarian as raw oysters are added.

 Kimchi provides a variety of tastes although it is known to be spicy. It is salty to preserve it, sour which is produced during fermentation, sweet because of the fish sauce and other flavours from the various vegetables used to marinate the cabbage. Although the kimchi looks soggy and soft, it is actually very crunchy and has a distinct flavour.

The best kimchi is produce after being fermented for 2 to 3 weeks at a temperature of 2-7 degrees celsius. Kimchi has the highest level of nutrients when it has a pH level of 4.3. In the past when there is no fridge or freezers, Koreans store their kimchi underground to maintain a constant temperature. Thus, kimchi was best eaten during winter when it is freezing cold.

Korean Tradition Alcohol
The Koreans believe that alcohol should not be drank to forget concerns and worries but to drink to build friendship and love. They believe that those who can control their drinking will prosper and those who cannot will lead a difficult life.

The Korean traditional rice wine is made up of rice, sticky rice and other grains mixed together. The taste of soju, Korea traditional rice wine, is sweet. It is a clear, transparent liquid that gives a neutal taste that made it good to have while eating snacks.

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