Thursday, December 9, 2010

Impact of Tourism- Korea

Economic Impact

1) Better Infrastructure
In order to attract huge amount of tourists into the country, Korea will have to build better and more infrastucture such as hotels and attractions to accommodate them. One such new hotel is New Chonji Hotel in Seoul the capital of Korea.

2) Employment
With more infrastructure being built up, more jobs will arise. This is because contractors have to be hired to build the buildings, services providers such as F&B managers, drivers have to be employed in order to start operations. With more people being employed, the standard of living in the country becomes better as they have more disposable income to spare.

Environmental Impact

1) More waste
This arises when more buildings are built as they use up resources and most of the time these resources are not recyclable. The Korean government will then have to spend more money and think of ways to remove this waste. Furthermore, building of infrastructures will bring about noise and air pollution that might affect the health of the Koreans. 

Social Impact

1) Overcrowding
When there is an increasing amount of visitors coming into Korea and there is no change in the amount of space, it leads to overcrowding as it is shared among more people now. This can lead to annoyance or antagonism according to the Doxey's irridex. This is because the influx of foreigners will definitely change the ambience and the feel of Korea. For example, every where you go you see foreigners, it does not feel like it is Korea anymore. Furthermore, for example during public holidays, its a rare chance to go to historic sites but it is crowded with foreigners and making the experience an unpleasant one. This is change the way Koreans feel about their country and may lose pride in their identities.

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