Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tourism a culprit in commodifying culture?

Based on my earlier posts, Koreans still stand strong on their beliefs especially Confucianism. Instead of being influence, globalise and diluted by other cultures, the Korean culture has always been accommodated for. The Koreans stand firm in terms of protecting their culture and deem those that go against it as rude and disrespectful. Such as the men still has greater power over women, this can never be found in the Western culture where both genders have equal stands.

The traditional Korean culture is still being pass down from generation to generation although some of the younger ones are unwilling to learn. They are unwilling to learn as they think that it is tedious and unnecessary.

Some signs of the Koreans being influenced by the Western culture is the way they dress. In the past, women should not flash too much fresh in public. However, Korean women now just follow the latest fashion and threw away this belief. They become more open and daring in terms of dressing.

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